Aphrodisia Authors

Monday, June 30, 2008

Writing on Proposal

Selling to New York means writing on proposal. Three chapters and a detailed synopsis of the book you think you want to write next. Now that is an awesome thing if you're good at it. Me? I run into snags. While I don't have a problem with synos like many writers do--don't get me wrong, I don't enjoy writing them--but I don't have a lot of problem writing them and making them interesting. That's when I do the rough outline of the plot in my head. I find they're helpful for bringing the book into focus for me. I'm not a plotter, but...I need that rough outline in my head because I don't write in order. That's just dandy when you're writing the whole book. It'll all get done eventually, so the scenes I write will work themselves in later. But, a proposal is just the first three chapters. What if the end comes to me first? What if no one buys the book, then those scene that aren't in the first three chapters are pretty pointless, right?


So, you pound away at the keyboard, hoping that three chapters is enough to make someone love your new idea as much as or more than you do. As pain in the butt as it is to write those whole books, and even if someone tosses it aside after the first page, it's easier to tell yourself that they had a shot at the whole picture. And, for me, it means I didn't waste those scenes...they had their shot at a chance in the sun. However. There's always a however, isn't there? The good news is, you only need to write three chapter. Then you know one way or the other if they love it. You get paid before you even finish the book. That's a beautiful thing, you know?

But in the end, it can feel like the nerve wracking, pulse pounded, hands shaking, nausea inducing kind of proposal that men dread the world over.

What do you all think of writing on proposal? Dish!

~Crystal Jordan

"In Ice" SEXY BEAST V - Sept 08

Posted by Crystal Jordan :: 2:34 AM :: 8 comments

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